Pride in mijn dorp

A video identity package for a Youtube series.

Assigned by Nozem Films
Client 3FM HUMAN
Produced by Studio WaveYourBrand

From City to Village

We all know about Prides in big cities. But what if you’re queer in a village? Can you expect the same level of support? In the online series ‘Pride in mijn Dorp,’ two young LGBTQ+ individuals go all out to organize the very first Prides in their villages, with help from hosts Julien Kooij and Shary-An Nivillac. But the big question is: are the villages ready for it?

Let’s celebrate

Pride is a celebration of connection, inclusion, and beautiful colors. Our task was to visualize this by showing how the 3FM bus literally and figuratively brings Pride to the village.

The result?

A short leader, bumpers, phone message screens, transitions, and name cards, all bursting with the vibrant colors of Pride.